Math Notebooks
Click on the icon below to scroll through one teacher's powerpoint presentation that explains to her students how she uses interactive notebooks.The authors of the Tales of Frogs & Cupcakes blog have done a great job explaining how they set up and use math AND science notebooks. This blog post has lots of pictures and examples, making it easy to understand. There are some links to their TPT page, but you don't have to buy their ideas. You can modify them to work for you!

You've heard us talk about this blog before. It's A-MA-ZING! There are tons of posts about math journals. Do yourself a favor and just click on "Math Journals" OR "Math Journal Sundays"under LABELS on the right hand side of the blog.

Science Notebooks
If you've been around the blog, you're no stranger to this little gem, either. Seriously, these people must be WAY better at managing their time than I am. ;-)
Sonya Trent and Shelly Newton were very excited to tell us about one of the presentations they attended at Star Summit. It was about interactive notebooking and they shared a strategy called "left side/right side". We did some searching and found an example similar to what was shared with them. This one is a science example, but could be used for any interactive notebook.
Check out this blog that was shared with us. The author is a self-proclaimed control-freak and she has posts for science, math, AND social studies. Click on the icon to go to a post for a notebook/journal linky party. What's a linky party, you ask? Go check it out. We're about to take blog-stalking to a whole new level.
Happy notebooking! :-)
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