Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sharing SBG, Part 2

We received lots of great feedback about the first Sharing SBG post!  It looks like everybody is SHARING the love!  We have more great ideas to share this week!

Matt McNeece, 5th grade, Summit, adapted something he found to fit his math needs over the summer.  He describes it as something that just makes sense to him.  PERFECT!  That's why there isn't just one right way to record the data you collect.  You have to find a system that is just right for YOU!  That may mean looking through lots of examples and tweaking something that is already out there, or combining your favorite aspects of a few different record keeping ideas.  Either way, Matt has shared his find with us!  YAY! :-)  He created one of these pages for each standard, so if you teach fifth grade and you're in love with this organization, you're in luck.  I know he'll share it with you.  Otherwise, you can download the example and tweak it to fit your grade level or subject area.

Aimee Tinsley, 4th grade, Summit, shared her real-world application for introducing standards-based grading to her students.  Aimee started with a stoplight visual.  They practiced using the 3-2-1 with things like "How well do you ride your bike?" and "How would you feel about reading in Chinese?" and then moved to classroom examples such as "How are you feeling about your multiplication right now?".  What a fantastic way to get students used to using 3-2-1 and reflecting about their learning!

Meredith Carrisalez, 5th grade, Summit divides her reading and writing skills by genre.  She prints a sheet for each student and keeps it in her binder.  While conferencing, Meredith takes notes on address labels and then attaches them to the back of their individual sheet.

Shelly Newton and Layne Eckhardt, 5th grade, Summit, have students check their own progress using this chart outlining the standards-based 3-2-1 scale.  Giving students the chance to reflect on their own progress is crucial!

Carey Davis, 2nd grade, Mathews, is using this form to track SBG.  It has the skills divided using the Power Standards at the top and more specific standards underneath.  Thanks for sharing, Carey!

Thanks to everyone for SHARING the LOVE this week! Don't forget to share your ideas with us, too!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sharing SBG

We know already Nixa is full of SUPER TEACHERS!  One of the greatest teacher super powers is SHARING! :-)  We'll be sharing SBG resources from teachers throughout our district all year long!  If you have created something to help you organize, plan, or just feel more comfortable with SBG, SHARE it with us and we'll feature it on the CIA Matters blog!

Lori Elliott, 5th grade, JTSD, shared the posters she uses in the classroom to help her students understand the 3-2-1 scale.  *Print on 11 x 17 paper*

Stephany Vesely, 3rd grade, Century, created her SBG recording pages, printed them out on legal sized paper, and had them bound.  She shared pictures of her finished product AND the files!  Thanks, Stephany!


Here's a peek at the inside.

Here are the standards, all laid out in glory!  This will certainly make it easy to find patterns!

Want to download them for yourself?  You bet!

Stephany created these for math, science, social studies, and even process goals!  If you'd like to get copies of those, send her an email telling her how much you love it and we bet she'll send you those, too!

Don't you just LOVE the idea of SHARING?

Maybe you would rather have a more "techy" version of data collection...never fear!  Stephanie Williams, 2nd grade, JTSD, shared this Data Collection Google doc.  Thanks for the SHARE, Stephanie!  (Click on the picture for the link.)  Please remember to make a COPY of this form before adding your own information.

Happy SHARING, friends! :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

2014-2015 Assessment Schedule

The 2014-2015 assessment schedule is located on the Nixa Public Schools website.  Simply click on "Staff"(make sure you're signed in!), find the "Elementary Resources" drop down menu, and select your grade level, and then choose "Assessment Schedule 2014-15".  You can also view the schedule HERE.