Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Valentine Activites

Can you believe it's February???  Whew!  Time is flying by... This week, let's peek at a few ways we can add some Valentine fun into our regular classroom practice!

Math Activities

Here's an activity that could easily be adjusted for various skills.  In the example below, the student must find two different ways to get the same answer to complete the heart.

How about figuring the area and perimeter of Valentine cards?  This cute idea came from The Clutter-Free Classroom.  Bump it up a bit and have students find the area of an irregular shaped Valentine!

Science Activities

I've seen this same activity with cookies from Mrs. Claus.  This version is The Case of the Valentine's Cookie.  Although it requires some prep work from the teacher, the kids really enjoy mixing, measuring, and figuring out the chemical reactions.  It is appropriate for upper elementary students.

Create a Valentine with a twist!  Challenge your students to be creative, clever and integrate your curriculum into the activity. Choose themes or have students write valentines to/from characters in your readings, a historical figure, a mathematical concept or a scientific idea.For example, a valentine from an electron to the nucleus:
Dear Nucleus, 
My world revolves around you.

ELA Activities

Looking for a new Readers' Theater script?  This FREE Valentine's Day Readers' Theater script is available on TPT.

What an amazing idea for getting kids to go beyond the book cover!  A blind date with a book!!!


Be sure to share your favorite Valentine activities with us! :)

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